WOW where has the time gone???  It is already open house!  Over the past week students have been making art portfolios to safely take artwork home.  So the craziness in the art room has been me running around trying to get all artwork handed back. Huge undertaking, but it is always amazing to see everyone's faces light up when they see artwork from the beginning of the school year.  How far we have come!

If you are a lucky to be a student or parent at from Blackberry Creek, you should have a green sheet explaining our artistic endeavors so far this year.  Here are a few of the most recent snapshots!  Note to self...need to take a lot more photos!

Here is a glimpse inside the Kiln Room.  The Kiln is where all of Blackberry's clay pieces are fired.  Lines up along the top are some 5th grade Spherical Animals that are ready to go home.

 This shows the inside of the kiln, the clay pieces are sitting at the bottom.

2nd Grade-Wayne Thiebauld Artist Study
We looked at Thiebauld's artwork and discussed his life.  Everyone practiced drawing cupcakes and then three stages of a full cake.  We discussed shapes, form and texture.  Some finished pieces are hanging in the hallways, but here are a few quick peeks at these delectable treats.

1st Grade-Romero Britto Style Fish
Bright, Bold, and Colorful!