Spooooooooky Hooouuusessss

More than one grade level will be getting in on this Halloween Fun! What might just look like some sort of decoration... there are some great concepts behind this one.

Architecture and Structures: What does balance mean?
Value: What is a silhouette?  Where is the light source?

Shape: Geometric Vs. Organic... which one makes better building blocks?
Color: How do the cool colors create a spooky atmosphere?

Learning + Creativity = FUN!

3rd Grade is COLOR CRAZY!

A Huge emphasis is on color theory click here to see COLOR EXPERIMENTS day 1 .  These color experiments led us to some great INVESTIGATION.  We borrowed some magnifying glasses to look closely at our color mixes.

Investigating led to DISCOVERY...


"Value"able Flags Update

After several weeks of careful work our flags are complete!  To top is off we all learned a ton about value, what it is, why artists use it in their artwork, and how to create it in our own!  Click on the 5th grade tab to see more about this project.

How it all began...

Here are some more pics of the process and the end results...