Third Grade has gone a bit more in depth, how can we tell a visual story with a beginning, middle, and end.  A story of what you ask? A snowman of course!  What could possibly happen to our snowman that can be illustrated in 3 frames... we brainstormed a great list on the board.

Then, it was sketchbook time-

Finally, the projects, which are not all way finished, but great so far!

Can you guess this last one?
There is a snowman... and a snowflake... and what, a tongue?  Ahhh, the snowman is catching and eating the snowflake. 

How the time flies!  It is our last week before Holiday break and all classes are scrambling to finish projects that we have been working on for quite some time.  A few classes had the chance to get creative with snowmen!  Different grade levels are trying out different ideas.... 1st and 2nd grade we were focusing on different perspectives, or point of view.

Snowman Snapshots

Great angles and perspectives... they caught the snowman with great expression.  Smile snowman... you are getting your picture taken : )

Third Grade - Color Mixing bottles, jars, and vases
Third grade has a huge color theory unit.  We are just getting underway with the concepts.  Everyone drew and traced shapes for bottles, jars and vases.  The 3 catches: each had to have an opening at the top, be symmetrical, and overlap!  The overlapping was key.  Each object was painted with the primary colors, but when they overlapped they had to be painted with the secondary that the 2 primaries would mix to make.  Puzzling you say?  Not for KBK's third grade!
Blackberry's Bountiful Beautiful Baskets - how is that for alliteration!
Woven and painted in Mrs. Berth's Art class, by Mrs. Bateman's 4th grade.  Almost everyone finished theirs today to take home, only 6 or so are still painting.


4th grade has been incredibly motivated to finish these baskets before our holiday break.

Concentration and problem solving play huge roles when weaving.  Not only do you need to pay attention to the ABAB pattern, you need to keep the yarn tight, problem solve when something doesn't look quite right and not to mention you have to tie each piece of yarn to the next one.  It is neat to see how well the classes worked together and to hear the conversations about their projects. Lots of patience and lots of teamwork. 
Alright, so this is a brand new blog, and I feel like I need to get caught up with everything!  What I want to happen... there will be grade level tabs that you can go to for the latest and greatest updates and pictures.  Until then, there will be a messy post trying to fit in everything!  Early apologies for the mess.
Beautiful Painted Poinsettias
In second grade we read the book The Legend of the Poinsettia.  We discussed what a legend is, how it  starts and what it means.  In the book is says that each poinsettia has a flaming red star, so each flower had to have 5 petals.  It was important to make the petals overlap in the middle.  We used a lot of  different textures, and complimentary colors.  These paintings are waiting on the drying rack for the finishing touches next week.

  Seriously HOW ADORABLE! So this is KBK's first grade.  We learned how to create a pinch pot out of clay.  Did you know that the clay pinch pots go into the kiln to get fired...and the kiln gets up to 1888 degrees!?!  Our pinch pots needed a face with a great expression that we made with permanent marker, and a little glitter.  The wonderful and unique hats are Model Magic air dry clay.  I wish I could have displayed them for the entire school to enjoy, but there are a few pictures to share since the adorable creations went home.

Painting on the Windows!

As a reward 4th and 5th grade students got to decorate the windows!  5th grade filled Mondrian inspired spaces, and 4th grade tapped into the wonderful and colorful world or Romero Britto.

There have been so many compliments, what a great experience!!!

Drawing still life in the Art room

5th grade worked in sketchbooks to carefully observe and draw different objects from many different perspectives.  Then, the objects were arranged on the table in a still life to observe and draw.  Drawings were brought to life with watercolor pencils.  They truly amazed me with thier amount of focus.