Alright, so this is a brand new blog, and I feel like I need to get caught up with everything!  What I want to happen... there will be grade level tabs that you can go to for the latest and greatest updates and pictures.  Until then, there will be a messy post trying to fit in everything!  Early apologies for the mess.
Beautiful Painted Poinsettias
In second grade we read the book The Legend of the Poinsettia.  We discussed what a legend is, how it  starts and what it means.  In the book is says that each poinsettia has a flaming red star, so each flower had to have 5 petals.  It was important to make the petals overlap in the middle.  We used a lot of  different textures, and complimentary colors.  These paintings are waiting on the drying rack for the finishing touches next week.

  Seriously HOW ADORABLE! So this is KBK's first grade.  We learned how to create a pinch pot out of clay.  Did you know that the clay pinch pots go into the kiln to get fired...and the kiln gets up to 1888 degrees!?!  Our pinch pots needed a face with a great expression that we made with permanent marker, and a little glitter.  The wonderful and unique hats are Model Magic air dry clay.  I wish I could have displayed them for the entire school to enjoy, but there are a few pictures to share since the adorable creations went home.