Our whole school has learned about Zentangles.  You may have seen or heard your child talking about them.  Zentangles are fun to create and you don't need many supplies.  So what is a Zentangle?  The word can be broken down into two root words.  Zen = peace and harmony in mind body and soul... kind of like a way of meditation.  Tangle = messy knotted, kind of crazy!  The words are opposites and contrast each other.  The easiest way to explain it is to create peace and focus while making complicated marks on the paper.  Have you every kind of 'spaced out' and found yourself doodling on a paper?  It is kind of like that.

You'll notice that each of these are in different stages.  Look at the amazing detail and how much focus these tangles took.  We used black and white to create more contrast, and so we could focus on just the design.  A heart was added for emphasis and a pop of color.  Some of these were up before Jump Rope for Heart and decorated the hallways.

I encourage any of you to keep Zentangling!  You can find a lot of neat resources on line.  It is a new craze in the art, art therapy, scrap-booking, journaling, and meditation worlds.  It keeps our minds thinking creatively!