"Value"able Pumpkins

Do you know what Value is?  Most of the time we think of money or worth... but in the art room it is all about showing the differences between light and dark.  Why is important? Well, with out it our drawings would always look very flat.  Value helps add depth and make things look three-dimensional.  We learned about value scales, highlights, and shadows.

So-What do you think perspective is? and how do we use it in the Art Room?  Take a look at the amazing pumpkin drawings and see if you can spot how we used perspective.

Our perspective a.k.a point of view shows depth by how near or far we are from the pumpkins and how they are overlapping.  The perspective is also shown with the different views or angles of the pumpkins.

The beauty of these pumpkins is better seen in person.  The artists worked very well with all of these ideas and different mediums- color pencil, chalk pastel, and a hint of whimsical metallic paint.