Tints and Shade of Snowmen

3rd Grade is learning about TINTS and SHADES.  We have learned a lot about how to mix colors, and now we are practicing making tints and shades.
Tint has a kind of a rhyme... all you need to remember is to make a Tint, add White, and it makes it light.  Tint-White-Light.
Shade is a different story, no rhymes, but some letters in common.  To made a Shade, add Black, and it makes it Dark.
A work in progress, Day One- TINTs
The art room was a buzz on day one.  Wow, look at this color!!! I made a tint!  Does this tint look darker?  Day One we mixed 3 tints-a light, medium, and dark.

Day Two - Shades took over.  We mixed a shade of our original color to paint the snowman's accessories.  Once again, a buzz of excitement.  Everyone was very careful to only use a little black at a time.
I was so happy with how these paintings turned out that I hung them up immediately in the display case.  Fortunately, 1st grade also finished their pinch pot snowmen today, and the 3rd grade painting make a beautiful backdrop.

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