Here is a much anticipated, long awaited UPDATE!!! My head is spinning from our crazy cold weather.  The update is Kindergarten through 4th grade.  I was so happy that I could finally load and fire the kiln today that I didn't snap any pictures of the amazing Spherical Clay Animals our 5th grade have been creating.

We have been experimenting with Chalk Pastels.  Thinking about how they are the same or different than oil pastels.  We also talked about how Cardinals stay in Illinois for the winter, and it is neat to see a bright red bird in the white snow.  We also are always working on trying to draw and cut out shapes.

Our Cut Shape Cardinal in the snow with a chalk pastel background.
HEARTS! The heart was used as a stencil to block the chalk pastel.  We added glitter paint to the heart to give it a little something special. 

1st and 2nd Grade with Frozen Noses

What did we learn....?
Cool and Warm Colors
Horizontal and Vertical
Lines can show Movement

3rd Grade
Continuing on with Gustav Klimt inspired trees.  Our trees show movement by the swirly lines that branch off in different directions.  Our Tree represents our life.  There are a lot of paths we will find ourselves following.  It's all a journey!  We used Tints in the background and a Shade for the tree.  You can create a shade by mixing a little black with any color.

Our papers were so big that it helped to stand.  Standing also helps us make flowing lines with our brushes.

Monochromatic, huge word! we broke it down Mono = one and Chroma = color.  That huge word simply means one color.  With that one color we can use all of the Tints and Shades, which can create a dramatic painting.  We focused on the idea of a winter landscape.  The struggle, how do we show perspective in this piece?  We created the impression of distance by using perspective.  If it is near... it is bigger and closer to us on the paper and when it is far... it is little and further away from the viewer.

Everyone chose their color and created tints and shades of that one color.  We had time to practice painting different size trees to show perspective, but these are still a work in progress.