WOW what a busy day!  Today is one of those days that I see a lot of grades, 5th, 4th, 3rd and 2nd.  It is always a blur.  My hands were covered in clay for 5th grade, so no pictures yet and black paint took over during 4th.  I was lucky enough to get one picture for 3rd and even one for 2nd.  It was such a MESSY day!  You may notice that both pictures, although different classes, were taken at the same table, they are the closet to my desk where the camera was trying to stay clean and out of the way.

A TINTED background for 3rd grade.
 Third grade concentrates on color theory.  We have learned all about Primary and Secondary colors, the Warm and Cool color groups, and now we are getting into Tint and Shade.  Today was about TINT.  What is a tint you ask... it is a color that is made lighter by adding white. Everyone got to choose 4 colors plus white to drag vertically on a huge piece of paper.  These will serve as eye-popping backgrounds for a winter tree in the style of Gustav Klimt... more to come next week!

2nd grade keeping it cool (or warm)
2nd grade and 1st grade are following a similar style of project, there are just some small tweaks of concepts to fit in with the curriculum.  We read Frozen Noses by Jan Carr and created illustrations in the style of Dorthy Donohue.  The illustrations were tucked away so we could paint either a WARM or COOL themed background.  Everyone tried very hard to visually break their paper into equal thirds... tricky concept, but I think we got it.  We also revisited the directions of vertical and horizontal.